The New Jersey chapter of the largest teachers’ union in the country, the National Education Association (NEA), hosted a “LGBTQIA+ Banned Books- Drag Queen Story Hour” at its 2022 convention.
Drag Queen Entertainment was hired “with all their dazzling iridescence” to read a number of books that have been banned due to sexual content and gender ideology that is inappropriate for elementary school children.
The New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) proudly boasted about the “historic convention first,” advertising the “LGBTQIA+ Banned Books – Drag Queen Story Hour” as an “NJEA Convention Glow-Up!”
The convention also featured workshops entitlted, “Planning for Change: LGBTQ-Inclusive Lesson Design”, “Creating Safer Spaces for LGBTQ+ Youth” and “Healthy Teen Sexuality in 2022.”
The drag queens read several books a story of two gay male penguins who have a baby penguin together, a picture book about two men who fall in love, and a book called I am Jazz, a story about a two-year-old boy who believes he is a female.
The growing calls for age-appropriate restrictions on explicit reading materials in public schools and libraries have been vehemently opposed by leftists across the country, who hyperbolically compare the efforts to Nazi-era Germany.
From Vanity Fair to NPR, the mainstream media has outlandishly accused conservative activists of “openly endorsing book burning,” pointing out that “book burnings have a long and dark history tied to censorship and oppressive regimes, most famously the one in Nazi Germany led by Adolf Hitler.”
The key information they’re missing is that Hitler was burning books like the Bible, while the vast majority of conservatives are simply attempting to protect their children from explicit sexual content and radical gender ideology in the classroom.
New Jersey state senators Andrew Zwicker (D-16) and Teresa Ruiz (D-29) recently introduced new legislation to prohibit public libraries and schools from “banning or restricting access to books or other resource materials because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval”
Other states considering legislation this year restricting local libraries’ ability to remove inappropriate content include at least Illinois, New York and Connecticut.
Evidence of the explicit materials in schools took the internet by storm when a California public school librarian broadcasted on TikTok and Instagram how books at her library contained sexually charged and pornographic material, including a book called Beyond Magenta, depicting a so-called “sexually-mature” six-year-old boy engaging in sex acts. The book reads, “From six and up, I used to kiss other guys in my neighborhood, make out with them, and perform oral sex on them. I liked it. I used to love oral. And I touched their you-know-whats. We were really young, but that’s what we did…”
Remember, you are a nazi if you don’t want your elementary school child reading this!
NJEA’s leaders–including president Sean M. Spiller, vice president Steve Beatty and secretary-treasurer Petal Robertson–released a statement opposing attempts across the state and country to limit inappropriate content in school libraries and classrooms, arguing, “Our students deserve public schools that are bastions of truth, where they can be exposed to the diversity of people and experiences that make up our multicultural society.”
But just how exactly could stories of two male mammals procreating and books depicting humans transforming from one biological sex make a school library a “bastion of truth,” especially since science and reality prove that neither are physiologically possible?
The NJEA statement continues,
“Banning books from school libraries is a form of lying to our children by preventing them from learning about the reality of certain experiences and events. Blocking them from experiencing the truth of history and human experience impedes their education, limits their understanding and teaches them to think of the truth as something to fear rather than something to embrace and grapple with.”
Not only is the radical left insisting on bombarding our youth with sexually explicit material, but they are indoctrinating children with preposterous and factually inaccurate ideas in the classroom, setting up students for confusion and failure.
This radical propaganda is already rearing its ugly head, with the state’s Department of Education reporting that over the past four years there has been a 4,218 percent increase in students identifying as “non-binary,” meaning neither male nor female.
This staggering statistic comes as little shock to those who have watched the teachers’ unions push for this for nearly a decade. The NEA published a comprehensive agenda back in 2015 delineating all the tips and tricks for transitioning students in school without parents’ notice or consent. Progressive school officials are taking note.
Just last week the New York State Education Department released guidance on how to support transitioning students that largely mirrored the NEA guidance, beginning by insisting there are many other genders than simply male or female.
NJEA’s leaders concluded their statement by claiming,
“History never celebrates individuals who ban books or societies that attempt to squelch freedom and access to information… We call on all Americans who value freedom, democracy and truth to stand against these efforts to deny our children access to important books.”
In the minds of union executives, you can’t value freedom, democracy and truth unless you support having kids read sexually explicit books in school. Thankfully, Americans are increasingly seeing through this false choice and fighting back against teachers unions’ pernicious influence in public schools.