Florida public employee unions on judicial losing streak

Florida public employee unions on judicial losing streak
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On Monday, a federal judge rejected the Florida Education Association’s request to block key parts of the Freedom Foundation-backed labor reform law that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law last month. 

The following day, a circuit judge also rejected a request from three South Florida municipal unions and three union members to block the new state law, which prevents government employees from having union dues automatically deducted from their paychecks.

The new Florida law strengthens oversight of public employee unions, which the Florida Education Association and other unions claim violates their First Amendment and contract rights.

“SB 256 is about transparency. It allows all Florida government employees to see how the union is spending their dues money. The bill also gives employees a straightforward path to hold unions accountable that may not have their best interest at heart,” says Rusty Brown, Freedom Foundation’s Southern Director.

After vowing to challenge Florida’s labor union reform bill in court, union bosses are now facing  a tougher uphill battle than they expected.

Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker, an Obama appointee, declined to issue a preliminary injunction to block components of the law which prevents automatic union dues deductions from workers’ paychecks.

Circuit Judge J. Lee Marsh rejected the union’s claim as well, echoing Walker’s reasoning for denying the preliminary injunction.
Brown concludes, “The recent decisions from the federal and state courts have now affirmed the new law is on solid legal ground and is not a violation of an employees’ constitutional rights.”