As has become a Christmas tradition in Washington, Santa Claus once again this year wasn’t required to slide down any chimneys at public office buildings. He brought his cheery message of a dues-free New Year right in the front door.
The 2024 Freedom Foundation Washington State Santa Christmas canvassing campaign kicked off in Lewis County, where Santa and his elves visited county and city buildings in the quaint “Twin Cities” of Chehalis and Centralia.
Everywhere they went, our team was greeted with broad smiles and open doors. Many of the workers in Lewis County, represented by the Washington State Council of City and County Employees (WSCCCE), AFSCME Council 2, stood to save as much as $650 in annual dues. That’s a lot of candy canes.
“Hey everyone, Santa is here!” exclaimed one excited worker, opening the door to the entire office for our visit. Every employee in their cubicle received an opt-out card and was thrilled by the gift.
At the Lacey City Hall, workers were looking festive in their Ugly Christmas Sweaters. When Santa shared holiday opt-out cards, a merry worker invited the crew to join their office holiday potluck.
Santa stayed for a brief visit but had more stops to make.
Next up, Washington public employees represented by the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE) in Olympia were gifted Christmas cards offering annual dues savings of up to $1,507.
WFSE has shed more than 1,400 members this year thanks to the Freedom Foundation informing workers that their union raised its monthly dues cap to $125.66.
In the face of high taxes and inflation, workers were thrilled to know they could opt out and save their money for necessities.
At the Labor & Industries building, a happy woman screamed, “Santaaaaaa!” when she laid eyes on our canvassers.
“Ho, Ho, Ho! Here’s a gift of Christmas savings for you!” Santa said, handing her a Christmas card.
Inside the building, Santa Magic was in full force as a beautiful holiday melody, sung by the Tumwater High School Choir, echoed through the 60-foot ceiling of the glass rotunda.
Upstairs, workers happily greeted Santa and his merry elves with squeals of joy.
“Can we have our picture taken with you?! We promise we’ve been good this year!” several women exclaimed, overjoyed by Santa’s presence.
“I have gifts of savings for you!” Santa repeated as his elves handed out Christmas opt-out cards to every public worker on the floor, including those in the lunchroom.
With more than 6,000 opt-outs by the end of December, Washington is on track for a record-breaking year, right alongside the Freedom Foundation’s milestone of reaching 40,000 opt-outs.
This makes 2024 a truly magical Christmas miracle.