Postcard pushes back the veil on New York union’s anti-Semitism

Postcard pushes back the veil on New York union’s anti-Semitism

The New York Civil Service Employees Association, AFSCME Local 1000, (CSEA) has once again demonstrated its willingness to engage in reprehensible behavior to maintain political power, this time involving something far more sinister — direct participation in anti-Semitic attacks.

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman recently criticized CSEA not only for staying silent in the face of anti-Semitism but for actively contributing to it. The union sent out a vicious political postcard depicting Blakeman with horns — a well-known anti-Semitic trope used throughout history to vilify Jewish people. 

Nassau County is home to one of the largest Jewish populations in the country. When voter registration dates were set during Jewish observances, excluding observant Jewish voters, CSEA had an opportunity to step up and challenge this exclusion. Instead, the union remained silent.

Blakeman, who is Jewish, called out both the Board of Elections and CSEA for their failure to accommodate Jewish voters, pointing out that this disenfranchised an entire community. 

As if this wasn’t bad enough, CSEA decided to escalate its behavior by distributing a postcard that portrayed Blakeman with horns, an age-old anti-Semitic image meant to dehumanize and demonize Jews.

This wasn’t just an insult to Blakeman. It was an attack on the entire Jewish community. The postcard reinforced vile stereotypes that have been used for centuries to vilify Jews.

The fact that this came directly from CSEA, an organization that claims to represent public employees of all backgrounds, makes it all the more disgraceful. 

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time CSEA has failed to address the diverse needs of its members. The union has a long history of prioritizing political preservation over standing up for its members.

Time and time again, members have watched CSEA’s leadership ignore key issues while focusing on maintaining their political alliances. Whether it’s failing to challenge voter exclusion or distributing anti-Semitic propaganda, CSEA has consistently proven it doesn’t represent the values it claims to uphold. 

In the face of such blatant bigotry, CSEA’s actions speak louder than words. A union that engages in racist attacks and refuses to protect its Jewish members is not just failing them — it’s betraying them. 

It’s clear CSEA’s priorities have little to do with the well-being of its members. Rather than advocating for fairness and inclusivity, the union seems focused on political power and maintaining the status quo, even if it means exposing Jews to hatred and potential violence.

Anti-Semitism has no place in our communities, and it certainly has no place in our unions. By actively promoting such behavior — whether through voter exclusion or hateful imagery — CSEA has shown it cannot protect its members.

Just one more reason why it’s lost so many already, with the pave quickening every day.

Outreach Coordinator
Ryan Brooks joined the Freedom Foundation in May of 2021. Before that, he gained a great deal of experience in the political arena by working for various political campaigns in Washington and Alaska. Ryan is a native of Spokane, Washington. He is a US Army Veteran and graduate from Full Sail University. When he’s not out fighting big government unions, Ryan enjoys going on adventures in the wilderness and enjoying life in the country with his family.