November Wins: New Yorkers and New Jerseyans Send a Clear Message to Their Unions

November Wins: New Yorkers and New Jerseyans Send a Clear Message to Their Unions

November gave us plenty to be thankful for — 213 public employees across New York and New Jersey canceled their union dues, taking control of their paychecks and their futures.

That’s 132 opt-outs in New York and 81 in New Jersey, amounting to nearly $200,000 in annual losses for government unions.

In New York, CSEA led the way with half of the opt-outs, costing the union over $56,000 in dues. SEIU 32BJ, PEF and NYSUT were also well-represented in the tally, bringing New York’s total losses to $118,034.

Across the Hudson, NJEA members drove opt-outs in New Jersey, contributing to nearly $81,000 in lost dues for unions like NJEA, CWA NJ, AFSCME Council 63, and IFPTE Local 195.

These numbers aren’t just statistics — they tell a compelling story. Public employees are tired of being treated like ATMs for political agendas.

Every opt-out represents freedom from unions that prioritize politics over people.

2024 has been New York’s best year ever for opt-outs — and December is set to make history as the biggest December yet.

For us, that is. From the union standpoint, the outlook could hardly be worse.

Meanwhile, in New Jersey, educators and public employees are keeping up the momentum as we prepare to launch even more targeted mailers, emails and digital campaigns to close the year strong.

Rumor has it Santa himself will be visiting public employees across the east coast to spread some holiday cheer.

This is a watershed moment for public employees in New York and New Jersey. The unions aren’t just leaking money — they’re fire-hosing it right back into the members’ pockets.

And December will be the crowning achievement in a record-breaking year for public employees taking back their freedom.

Outreach Coordinator
Ryan Brooks joined the Freedom Foundation in May of 2021. Before that, he gained a great deal of experience in the political arena by working for various political campaigns in Washington and Alaska. Ryan is a native of Spokane, Washington. He is a US Army Veteran and graduate from Full Sail University. When he’s not out fighting big government unions, Ryan enjoys going on adventures in the wilderness and enjoying life in the country with his family.