It’s become an annual tradition at the Freedom Foundation to send Halloween mailers asking public sector employees if they’ve been “tricked” by their union bosses, or if their labor leaders are “treating” themselves with union member dues dollars.
It’s also become a tradition that when these mailers go out, they hit a nerve among the union leadership, who reliably send out messages telling their members not to pay attention to the information provided on the postcards and that the Freedom Foundation is not to be trusted.
It’s as predictable as the bellyache you wake up with the morning after indulging in too much Halloween candy, and just about as pleasant.
Right after this year’s Halloween messages hit mailboxes, a Pennsylvania high school English teacher — who moonlights as a union apologist and blogger — wrote a lengthy denunciation of the Freedom Foundation filled with the usual pablum about how the organization doesn’t support public employees because opposes the high-tax, big government agenda items leftists claim benefit workers almost as much as they do the unions.
In particular, the article took issue with our postcard’s message to “(S)top these money-sucking vampires and TAKE BACK YOUR PAYCHECK TODAY!”

But to paraphrase The Bard, “Methinks the union doth protest too much.” In fact, public employees across the country are waking up to the fact that their union dues could be better spent putting gas in their car and food on their table rather than funding labor leaders’ leftist politics and lavish lifestyles.