Two weeks ago, the Freedom Foundation announced it had helped more than 100,000 public employees opt out of union dues through our outreach efforts.
The following week, we followed up by setting a one-week record for opt-outs with more than 800.
When someone asks what we’ve done lately for the cause of liberty, we can respond by telling them we’ve diverted more than $650,000 from hyper-political unions to the pockets of public employees to use however they wish.
And that was just one week’s work.
While this was the largest number of opt-outs we’ve processed in a single week in 2021, we expect that as our footprint extends into more states and unions, 800 will become the rule, not the exception.
Public-sector unions have two choices: They can either adapt to better represent the workers whose hard-earned paychecks they’re determined to share, or they can continue to bleed members and hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenue.
For most people, it would be an easy choice. But for union leaders, whose real mission is not to represent workers but to engage in direct and indirect partisan political and social campaigns, it would mean ceasing the activities that they truly exist for.
That’s fine. If the union leaders can’t do the right thing, their members will continue to do it for them.