About a week ago, the Freedom Foundation team in Pennsylvania was tipped off that a local teachers’ union in Bucks County, Pa., was circulating an email among its Council Rock Education Association (CREA) members.
The message, attributed to CREA President Mark Dolan, came in direct response to the Freedom Foundation.
“All of you should have received at least one solicitation this summer,” Dolan wrote. “Please ignore it. They do not have your best interests at heart.”
He continued, “Teaching is, and has always been, a political job. If you don’t believe this to be true, someone did you great disservice. There is no avoiding the politics of teaching; participating in OptOutToday brings you closer to the center of the political quagmire that is teaching.”
Union bosses like Mark Dolan, are being deliberately dishonest with their members. They have to be because they’re desperate. He concedes the point in his own email, noting that his theme for this school year is “Membership in Crisis.”
The Freedom Foundation exposes these radicals for who they really are, and teachers and school employees are taking notice. Since beginning operations in the Keystone State two years ago, we’ve cost public unions over $2 million in lost dues.
That’s money union bosses will never see again, and they’re freaking out over the future of not being able to order school boards and politicians to do their bidding anymore.
On top of our door-to-door canvassing and emails, we’ve already sent out more than 300,000 mail pieces informing public union members of what their union bosses have been doing with their money.
Our methods are clearly working. The Freedom Foundation proudly stands with the teachers, school employees, parents and children who’ve had enough of this political theater for the past 16 months and are ready to take action and move forward without radical ideas influencing the classroom setting.