Biden Administration Ignores Protocol – Installs Unconfirmed Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su to Presidential Line of Succession

Biden Administration Ignores Protocol – Installs Unconfirmed Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su to Presidential Line of Succession
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Biden Administration Ignores Protocol – Installs Unconfirmed Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su to Presidential Line of Succession

“Why is the Biden Administration so desperate to install Julie Su as Labor Secretary – even without a vote by the Democrat-run Senate?” asked Aaron Withe, CEO of the Freedom Foundation. 

“Beyond keeping Su as Acting Secretary, she’s been added to the official Cabinet webpage in the presidential line of succession — ahead of sitting Cabinet members who actually received a vote of confirmation.”

Withe concluded, “President Biden champions himself the most pro-union president in our nation’s history — but what he really means is that he’s been bought and paid for by Big Labor bosses for his entire career, and now those labor leaders are calling in their favors.”