Inflation crippling Pennsylvania, and unions are largely to blame

Inflation crippling Pennsylvania, and unions are largely to blame

In November 2020, American voters elected as president a man who, as a candidate, promised his would be the most union-friendly administration in history. A year later, Joe Biden has over-performed on that promise, with the result that inflation has soared to its highest rate in 40 years.

Coincidence? Or could it be that what’s good for unions is bad for the rest of us — and the president sided with them anyway?

The skyrocketing increase for basic goods and services is costing the average American an additional $200 dollars every month and, barring a change in course, economic projections show no end in sight.

Since Biden settled into the White House:

  • gas prices have shot up by 62 percent;
  • home heating costs are up 54 percent;
  • vehicle prices are up 24 percent;
  • beef prices have risen by 18 percent;
  • the cost of housing has risen by 7 percent; and,
  • even milk is costing 6 percent more.

For a variety of reasons, Pennsylvania has been among the hardest hit states in the nation. From the price at the pump to the cost of putting food on the table, Biden’s policies have put the cost of just getting by beyond the reach of many of this state’s residents.

Disastrous economic, domestic and foreign legislation has crippled the U.S. economy. Partisan politicians can camouflage their failures, but Americans clearly see through the smoke and mirrors.

Meanwhile, Big Labor continues to underwrite the very politicians who push this failed agenda. The likes of AFSCME, SEIU and the nation’s teachers’ unions have diverted tens of millions of their members’ dues dollars into the pockets of the most radical, America-hating, economy-crushing political figures in this nation’s history.

Labor unions, particularly those representing government employees, haven’t cared what’s best for their members in years —assuming they ever did. Instead, they’ve become nothing but a piggy bank from which union leaders can withdraw other people’s money to fund their own toxic socialist political agenda.

Pennsylvania’s union members, like the rest of its residents, have been uniquely devastated by policies that killed the Keystone pipeline and the fracking industry. One short year ago, America was a net exporter of energy; under Biden, not only is this country once again dependent on an increasingly belligerent Russia for fuel, but so are the European allies on whom we depend to help keep the peace.

Is it any wonder the cost of living has shot through the roof?

Either Biden and his union cronies didn’t realize their irresponsible agenda was a recipe for the economic chaos we’re experiencing or they did know and went ahead with it anyway. Both possibilities are unacceptable.

Schemes like Build Back Better are nothing short of a power grab for unions — at the expense of the very workers whose welfare is supposed to come first.

The Freedom Foundation Pennsylvania outreach team continues to expose union support for these failed policies that hurt their members’ paychecks.

In the first three weeks of our current outreach campaign, more than 300 union members have resigned their union membership to push back against their unions’ disastrous support of these out-of-touch policies.

Public sector union members are as appalled by the current state of Pennsylvania as their friends, neighbors and relatives, and they’re starting to understand they’ve been used by their union leadership who promote the very policies that have wreaked havoc on the economy.

But now, thanks to the Freedom Foundation’s efforts in the Keystone State, these public sector employees are now choosing to leave their unions and keep that money in their own hands, rather than the union bosses’ campaign coffers.

Pennsylvania Outreach Director
Joe is an alumnus of Drexel University where he earned a degree in Political Science and Economics. He was the first in family to earn a college degree. Joe also led Drexel’s college republicans as their organization’s chairman as well at serving on the board of a local Christian charity which helped under-privileged children in the Philadelphia metro area. Before coming to the Freedom Foundation, Joe gained a wide variety of political experience after working as a campaign consultant not only throughout Pennsylvania but the country. He worked on several high-profile winning campaigns for such candidates as President Trump, Senator Tim Scott, now Governor Greg Ginaforte and Congressman Scott Perry to name a few. He brought an expertise in grassroots outreach to the Freedom Foundation’s expansion into Pennsylvania. Joe is a life-long resident of Pennsylvania where he enjoys spending his free time in the outdoors with his wife, son and two dogs. He remains active in his York County community but volunteering for several charity groups and dog rescues.