AFSCME 13 loses another 200 members, $200,000 in dues

AFSCME 13 loses another 200 members, $200,000 in dues

The age old saying, “The truth shall set you free,” is finally being realized by hundreds of members of Pennsylvania’s government employee unions. In just the past week, nearly 200 workers represented by AFSCME Local 13 (one of Pennsylvania’s largest collective barraging units) learned for the first time they had a choice regarding union membership and took the important step to take back their freedoms and leave their union behind.

The message these public employees received was simple: Union leaders so fond of claiming they “represent the little guy” spent their hard-earned dollars on partisan politics and extravagant expenses to buy political clout and curry favor with upper management.

When these members stood up and said “Enough is enough,” they removed $200,000 from AFSCME 13’s campaign coffers. That’s $200,000 that can no longer be able to be given to partisan political candidates.

This is only just the beginning for us at the Freedom Foundation in Pennsylvania. We will continue to shed light on AFSCME 13’s out-of-control spending and careless use of members’ dues so we can help more members learn why they should break free from the bondage of their union.

Since May of 2020, the Freedom Foundation has freed nearly 1,300 AFSCME 13 members, which puts more than $1 million back in the pockets of the employees who earned it, while blowing a major hole in the revenue picture of one of Pennsylvania’s largest and most influential public-sector unions.

It’s just the sort of win-win-lose proposition we’re famous for.

Pennsylvania Outreach Director
Joe is an alumnus of Drexel University where he earned a degree in Political Science and Economics. He was the first in family to earn a college degree. Joe also led Drexel’s college republicans as their organization’s chairman as well at serving on the board of a local Christian charity which helped under-privileged children in the Philadelphia metro area. Before coming to the Freedom Foundation, Joe gained a wide variety of political experience after working as a campaign consultant not only throughout Pennsylvania but the country. He worked on several high-profile winning campaigns for such candidates as President Trump, Senator Tim Scott, now Governor Greg Ginaforte and Congressman Scott Perry to name a few. He brought an expertise in grassroots outreach to the Freedom Foundation’s expansion into Pennsylvania. Joe is a life-long resident of Pennsylvania where he enjoys spending his free time in the outdoors with his wife, son and two dogs. He remains active in his York County community but volunteering for several charity groups and dog rescues.