Want to line the pockets of the state’s most corrupt special interest with your money?
No? Then why on earth wouldn’t you take a stand against Measure 97?
Wake up and realize the only ones who stand to benefit from this disastrous tax hike are the only ones behind it – wealthy government unions that have funded more than 96 percent of the entire campaign, pouring in nearly $9 million to date.
They have the unprecedented power to force public employees to hand over union dues as a condition of keeping their jobs, and that’s exactly what they’re doing to unethically fund Measure 97.
Oh, and one more thing – that’s exactly why they’re doing it, too. The ballooning of the state bureaucracy from Measure 97 is a surefire way for these greedy government unions to steal even more forced dues from taxpayer-funded public workers.
From the government unions’ perspective, $9 million of workers’ forced dues is a small price to pay for the $15 million annual payoff they expect to receive as a result.
They’re hoping voters will approve it, but don’t be fooled by their misleading rhetoric. Follow the money and you’ll see it leads right to a government union scam.