Unions’ Dues Skimming A National Disgrace

Unions’ Dues Skimming A National Disgrace

Unions’ Dues Skimming A National Disgrace

Long-term services and supports for the elderly and younger populations with disabilities are a significant component of annual healthcare spending in the U.S. According to the most recent figures available, spending for these services nationally amounted to around $158 billion as recently as 2015, almost two-thirds of which was paid through state Medicaid programs.

Much of this money is used to compensate home-based healthcare providers – in most cases a friend or family member looking after their loved one. For the taxpayers, it’s a sensible investment because it keeps the patient at home rather than a more expensive institution. And for the patient and their caregiver, it’s often a godsend that preserves dignity and self-sufficiency.

For an assortment of government employee unions, however, the money represents a huge windfall from which they expect to wet their beaks.

California, not surprisingly, is the poster child for this dues-skimming epidemic.

Through Medicaid, the federal government allocates billions of dollars to care for low-income elderly and disabled Americans, and those providing care – usually a family member or loved one – often make enormous personal sacrifices to do so.

They deserve every dollar that’s coming to them, not what’s left after SEIU or some other labor union takes its cut off the top and uses it to pay off politicians who make the whole scheme legal.

Read more about dues-skimming in general and the scope of the problem in California in this op-ed co-authored this week by the Freedom Foundation and the California Policy Center in the Orange County Register.

California Director
Samuel Han is the California director at the Freedom Foundation. He directly oversees the Freedom Foundation’s newest expansion into California with the goal of holding local and state governments accountable to citizens and not beholden to the interests of public-sector unions. He previously worked as the district director for a conservative Assembly member in the heart of Orange County. Sam was instrumental in leading the district outreach operation, which received high marks from the California Republican Assembly Caucus. Sam was also recognized by The Korea Times in its 44th commemorative issue as a “Future Leader in Politics” and has been quoted in several major publications regarding his views on local government, including National Public Radio, World Magazine, and the Korean Times. Sam is a graduate of the University of California, San Diego, with a degree in management science. He has also completed a Business Certificate Program from the Harvard Business School and was an MBA Fellow at UCLA. He and his wife reside in Fullerton, Calif., and enjoy spending time with their son and serving at their local church.